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York University

 Bachelor of Arts, Honours, Major - Theatre  |  Candidate, Expected 2022

These are some photos from my time in the York University Devised Theatre program. I completed two years of a Specialized, Honors BA in Theatre from 2011 to 2013. Due to health reasons, I had to leave the program and take a year off from my studies. I, then, attended Rosebud School of the Arts and graduated from their 4 year Acting Program. I have now returned to my studies at York University and am expected to graduate with a Honours BA in Theatre in 2022.

Here is an example of an Artist Statement my co-creator and I wrote for a two-person, site-specific physical theatre piece we created for our Devised Theatre class:

Site Specific Artistic Statement.


Here is an example of a script or outline for another physical theatre pieced based on A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams that I helped create with other members in a devised group. We broke the play into 10 sections, titled each section, then gave each section a metaphor that related to our overall metaphor of Playground Games. We chose one line from each section as a starting point to explore our physical movements. See this outline for more details: Physical Theatre Outline.


The following photos are from rehearsing a piece called RPS Friends which was a short piece exploring the effects on character relationships when actors are extended by unusual inanimate objects. This absurdist style illustrates the line between using technology to enhance human co-existence and over using technology resulting in isolation. I was an outside eye for this piece which ended up sparking my love for directing.

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